Chart Methodology
Every sound
has data points.
How does the Soca Source rank songs?
Our Charts are based on a formula ratio of digital sales, streaming and radio airplay across the globe for each song, including time spent on the chart and peak position.
The resulting figures from these calculations are referred to as points or point value, which provides the overall position on the various charts.
What streaming services count?
The following are the current platforms integrated and weighed in the chart algorithm: iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, Shazam, Tidal and Deezer.
We are working to integrate YouTube Music, Pandora and others.
What are the days for the Weekly Chart?
Weekly Top 40 is the Soca Industry standard record chart for tracking weekly sales, streaming and airplay. Tracking begins each Friday and ends on Thursday – a new chart is compiled and officially released to the public by The Soca Source on Tuesday.